Sunday, April 11, 2010

Those Crazy Kids in California Strike Again

Is California the easiest punchline in the world, or what?  Even in the throes of a financial crisis our brethren in Cali make no effort to curb their craziness.  Don Surber has a great post on the abject silliness on the State of Insanity, (or is it inanity?) known as California.  This pretty much sums it up:

LOS ANGELES (AP) – When the city’s Department of Water and Power spent $50,000 on lactation consultants two years ago to assist breast-feeding employees, the utility said it was a humanitarian move aimed at cutting absenteeism.

As a mother who breast fed both of her children, I freely admit that it does not come as easily or naturally as one might think.  However, it also would not have occurred to me that my employer owed me a lactation  consultant.  In the case of the Water and Power Department in LA, the taxpayers are the one's providing the consultants.  This in a city, within a state, who can't pay its bills now.

But why stop there?  Why not provide "diaper changing consultants"?  Not for the newborns, but for the adult children of California who somehow believe that the Government should take care of all their basic and most personal needs. 

Read the entire post.

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