Sunday, August 22, 2010

Progressives are Stuck on Anger

Writing at Ricochet, Rob Long puts an interesting spin on the liberal media's current Obama "problem":

The Liberal Media is Angry! Next Step: Bargaining

The famous Kubler-Ross stages of grief are: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

I'm a people person. I care about others. So as the hapless, amateur-hour Obama administration lurches from one self-inflicted mess to another, what I really want to know is this: how's the press doing? You know, in the mental health department? How are all of those fawning, lickspittle toadies handling the collapse of their Chosen One?

Good news! They're following the textbook. For the past year, it's been a symphony of denial. But this summer, they slipped into anger.

Why is Obama such an unpopular president? It's your fault. You're too extreme. You have extreme views. Also: you're crazy. You think Obama is a Muslim. Oh, and you're a racist
The problem is that anger is the progressives' natural state.  This is why I don't bother trying to reason with them.  They view any disagreement as a personal attack.  I can't imagine a progressive ever reaching acceptance.
Many progressives never accepted that George W. Bush was the legitimate POTUS.  And I recently overheard a conversation between two progressives who were angry that the current administration still hadn't arrested GWB, locked him up and thrown away the key.  Acceptance simply is not these people's forte. 
Conservatives, or at least Republicans, are poised for a big victory in November.  Don't expect that victory to nudge progressives towards the "bargaining" stage.  I suspect they will skip straight to a short depression stage and then regress back to a prolonged stage of anger and denial.  I am also pretty darned sure that it will be a cold day in Hell before progressives accept that the majority of their countrymen reject their vision.
The good news is that progressives tend not to breed.  Eventually, we will be free of them.

Read the of Long's piece.

Cross posted at Potluck


Looking Glass said...


Came here from Don Surber's place. Nice blog. The background pic makes it nearly unreadable, though. I can only read the stuff above/below the palm trees.

Had to use much-despised Internet Explorer to comment, too. But that may be due to the security restrictions I've got on FireFox.

Good luck with the blog. You're on my daily check list.

Carol said...

Looking Glass, thank you so much for coming by! Scroll down and the writing becomes clear.

I have a tendency to opinionate rather than doing alot of linking which means I don't get linked back by the bigger blogs. My way of doing it makes it really hard to "get out there." By recognizing me Don did me an incredible kindness. He really is one of the good guys.