Monday, November 22, 2010

Maybe the smart kids aren't so smart

Fuzzyslippers sums up our dear leader and his admirers:

The problem with Obama’s incompetence is not that Obama has suddenly, magically become incompetent but that he’s been incompetent all along. And the problem for respectable conservatives (i.e. those who set themselves above the unwashed blogosphere masses) is that to admit this may lead to uncomfortable questions about their smart kids’ club.
Obama suffers from a depressing lack of competence.  He depresses Liberals who are left to wonder whatever happened to The One-the man/god who was going to heal the earth and unite her people.  He was going to create a Utopia and bring us peace.  Those of us on the Right are depressed (and more than a bit angry) that it has taken the Left so long to figure out what we knew all along-that Obama is just talk and he is really not all that good at that.

Obama became president of the United States by convincing fifty-three percent of the voters that a man who had never accomplished anything was qualified to be leader of the free world.  And to date, that remains his only accomplishment. 

Yet Obama continues to tells us that it isn't him, it's us.  We just don't understand.  And that is depressing.


Fuzzy Slippers said...

(thanks for the linkage :))

"Obama became president of the United States by convincing fifty-three percent of the voters that a man who had never accomplished anything was qualified to be leader of the free world. And to date, that remains his only accomplishment."

Chilling. Don't you wonder how future generations are going to view us? We need to fix this disaster in 2012.

Zilla said...

Excellent assessments, both of you. Obama isn't smart; most people who have heaps of empty praise doled out aren't. That's why the "everybody's a winner" trophy generation is doomed to failure, just like dear leader.

MarySue said...

Happy Thanksgiving Carol! We'll get busy as soon as the celebration is over and prepare for a really joyous one in 2012 when we know this guy will be vacating 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I will be dancing in the streets.