Sunday, July 19, 2009

What Am I Missing, Besides The Obvious?

From Stacy McCain:

Four unions representing the nation's postal workers are pleading for a meeting with the White House to address possible funding shortfalls for workers' payroll and retiree health benefits, according to a letter obtained by CongressDaily.The presidents of the American Postal Workers Union, National Rural Letter Carriers' Association, National Association of Letter Carriers and National Postal Mailhandlers Union co-signed the Tuesday letter to White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina, warning that the U.S. Postal Service is at risk of defaulting on a $5.4 billion payment to prefund retiree health benefits at the end of September.The letter alleges that USPS "may not be able to make payroll in October and will be forced to issue IOUs instead." . . .

Can anyone explain to me why a single entity, the post office, needs FOUR unions to represent its workers? Is this, perhaps, the reason why the post office is so God awful inefficient? And more importantly, why would anybody trust the government with anything as important as our health care?

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