Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Palin/Johnston Engagement

There is nothing I could possibly write about the Bristol Palin/Levi Johnston engagement that would top Stacy McCain's absolutely must read parable but I do have two thoughts.  First, when we avoid telling our parents of important decisions that we have made it is usually because:  a) we suspect what they will say and b) we suspect that they are right.  Second,  I know a very young couple who broke up immediately after the birth of their daughter.  It was ugly, really ugly.  They ran into each other four years later, put the ugliness behind them, and have now been happily married for over twenty years and have two more wonderful children.  It happens, albeit rarely, and I hope it happens for Bristol, Levi and Tripp.


Mamasooz said...

Your comments are brilliant. Bristol's decision seems foolhardy. "I wish them well", she said skeptically...

Carol said...

Mamasooz, kids not only say but do the darnedest things. Sometimes all you can do is cross your fingers and say a prayer.

smitty1e said...

Bristol is writing her own quasi-Shakespearian outing: "The Taming of the Dude".
Doesn't this have chick-flick written all over it? ;)