Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lefty Outrage Over ObamaCare

Doug Ross writes:

Over at, Nate Silver devotes significant attention to the faux liberal outrage erupting over the nationalization of health care. Silver analyzes the responses to 20 of his questions posed to Markos Moulitsas (Daily Kos) and Jon Walker (FireDogLake).

I'll save you the effort of reading their neural diarrhea. Suffice it to say that the "Reality-based" Community devotes thousands of words to government-run health care without mentioning:

• The "dangerous" amount of national debt that we are assuming ($50,000 for each and every American by 2019 without a health care takeover);
• The exploding and extremely risky deficit;
• The impending bankruptcy of Medicare and Medicaid (the time-bomb is set to explode in less than a decade);
• Slashing $500 billion from Medicare while claiming to "improve quality";
• And the utter accounting fraud associated with booking six years of benefits against ten years of tax revenues.

Bernie Madoff is serving time for running a Ponzi scheme like this, only a 100 times smaller. Best of all, Silver is the supposed "numbers guy" for the socialist left. So he turns out to be just as intellectually honest as the rest of the Soros-funded troupe.

The numbers are real. And they are dangerous to the future of this country, according not to me, but the Congressional Budget Office.

So the "Reality-based" Community is either delusional or intent on the utter destruction of the American experiment. Choosing which is an exercise best left to the reader.

Note: Yes, this is the same Nate Silver of the Dealergate beclownment. No one tell Natey that a variety of lawsuits by dealers alleging partisan activities by the Obama administration are still wending their way through courts.

To answer Doug's question as to whether The Left is delusional or intent on destroying the country, I'm going with both. The "Reality-based" Community that Doug speaks of has done quite well off of the "American experiment" yet they despise everything that they have profited from. They are delusional in that they believe they can take the country down and rebuild it in to some Socialist utopia and that only the "evil doers" will be affected. Perhaps they see themselves in the role of dominant over-seers in the New World order but toady schmucks is much more likely.

This the ugly result of emoting without thinking.

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